Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Restoration

PRP is an innovative therapy used as a stand-alone treatment or as part of a hair restoration program. This method is ideal for men and women who wish to take restorative and preventative hair loss measures.


Stimulates the Growth of Healthy Hair


Treats hair loss from the inside out

Reduces the Effects of Hair Thinning


Fuller thicker hair

Zero downtime


Natural follicle rejuvenation

How does PRP for Hair Restoration work?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) , A minimal amount of blood is taken from the patient and then placed in an FDA cleared centrifuge for separation, multiplying platelet concentration in the plasma Platelets contain growth factors that are released upon injection into the scalp. This starts a regeneration process that stimulates hair follicles to transition into the growth phase. PRP therapy is known as a revolutionary way to stimulate and restore hair growth, as well as one of the safest cosmetic hair growth options on the market today.


Post PRP for Hair & Aftercare

The patient should avoid washing the treatment area for 48 hours. After that, it is all right to use hair and skin care products and continue with topical medications.

The treatment area may be sore for two or three days, and the patient may notice some bruising. Hair dye or coloring treatments can resume one week after PRP treatment.

The effect of treatment is most noticeable after at least six months. Repeat treatments may be necessary to maintain the improvement in hair growth and texture.

How quickly will I see results?

PRP hair restoration produces noticeable results after just four to six weeks. However, it may be approximately 3.5 months before you see the results you were looking for. Due to the hair growth cycle, ideal results can take up to three sessions spaced one month apart to become apparent.


Is the treatment painful?

Pain tolerance depends on the person, but there is a discomfort during the treatment.

How affective is PRP for Hair growth?

Out of all the products that you can find on the market today regarding hair growth, PRP is one of the most effective. Of course, it is important to understand that results may vary and there is no guarantee of success.

Overall, PRP is an effective non-invasive procedure that works well to stimulate the hair follicle for induced hair growth and it reverses hair thinning.